The Four Tier Annihilation Method Review

Four Tier Annihilation Method PackageWhat's this about? - The Four Tier Annihilation Method by Alex Goad
Who am I? - Linus Rylander from Lemonarian Dot Com

The Four Tier Annihilation Method
... Alex Goad is at it again, and yet again he's bringing "the next big thing".


The hype, I hate it. In the free report, he's just talking about how these "Guru Vampires" are sucking the life force out of everybody so they can just make money themselves.

The #1 thing they state in that report, is that the Internet Marketing world is corrupted and only a select few make money.

What a bunch of bullshit.
Shitloads of people still make money and the whole "Guru Vampire" thing is just a marketing ploy.

OK, so he had a rough time when he started out. He burnt up his money, as a lot of people do. Or at least, every 'guru' say that they did. So he started out in Internet Marketing by sucking at it, no big deal there either.

In my opinion, it's not what you do, it's how you do it.

The only thing that makes The Four Tier Annihilation Method even the slightest amount of appealing, is the fact that he shows live screenshots of 6 figures a month from his account...


So in the report, he's spitting a bunch of bullshit, no doubt... but if he's making $100,000 - $200,000 a month... then I can't deny that he's definitely on to SOMETHING.

Well, other than spitting some shit, he's at least doing something right. And that's why I got 4TAM.

But by now, you're probably wondering what you get in the 4 Tier Annihilation Method... OK, here we go. This is what you get, ok? (from the website)

The Tier X system. There are 4 tiers of profit in 4 TAM, and tier X could mean paying off your mortgage, car payment and gas for a whole year with just one shot

    • How to carbon copy proven profit magnets. 90% copy and paste...

    • The Tier X system. There are 4 tiers of profit in 4 TAM, and tier X could mean paying off your mortgage, car payment and gas for a whole year with just one shot

    • The RSI EAM System:


      Move On...

Then we get to what's called...

Module 1: Foundational Methods:

  • How to use this “radar” to zone in on “shooting fish in a barrel” style profit magnets

  • The Legal Highjack System: Lethal and crushingly effective yet perfectly legal method to leverage geographical factors for a stunning advantage and giant profits

  • Error Cheats: Nobody is perfect: uncover simple errors others are making and transform them into huge deposits in your account.
Plus a twist on this method that will allow you to acquire many items you want and need for far below wholesale price (a neat bonus to say the least)

The Four Tier Annihilation Method


Module 2: Digital Takeover

A recent trend reversal has created a huge opportunity to build massive wealth using only this one method...

  • The Resell Flip: All about duplication: more copy and paste profits. Other do the work and you clean up... Hey business is not about making friends...
  • The PLR Flip: PLR stands for Private Label Rights. Whether you are familiar with them or not, you can build a virtual empire with just these (and they only cost a couple bucks to aquire)

Nobody does this right. Not after 4-TAM. Don’t let others get the jump on this...

  • Traffic Stealing: As you may have guessed, traffic is the most important part of your business, no matter what you do...

No visitors, no money, plain and simple...

Not only will you discover how to tap into the world’s most abundant and targeted traffic source (hint: it puts Google to shame), but you’ll also see how you can “steal” it from others, effectively cutting your costs close to zero...

  • Business in a Box Websites: These things are gold mines of epic proportions.

    Multi-million dollar companies swear by these: see how you can use them right away for blistering how ROI (Return On Investment).
    Plus this can instantly place a profit net up for you in the hottest markets at any given time.
    Allows you to follow the money in minutes like the top guys do.
Module 3: Underground Ninja Stuff
  • Arbitrage Site Flipping: Now I’ve been flipping traffic for 5 figures a month, but this is even better... one of the most immediately profitable and easy methods...

    Just like flipping real estate for huge profits but without the investment and leg work.

    The internet being so new, this is ground floor opportunity stuff. Miss out on this and kick yourself later...

  • Domain Flipping Profits: Webnames go for insane prices but you can get the good ones for pennies on the dollar and sell them for 4 to 40 times more. Easy with the 4-TAM method...
  • PR Domain Flips: How to acquire the most desirable domains for one hundredth of their real value. Keep them for yourself as they gain massive value in months, or sell them back into the pool for big profits...
  • The Luxury Principle

    : Rich people buy expensive things... Expensive things have disgusting profit margins.

This is how to take advantage of this online for quick wealth gains...

The Four Tier Annihilation Method

Module 4: Internet Marketing Annihilation

  • How to get better traffic than you thought possible for less than you ever imagined

  • Cutting Edge CPA profits: unite buyers with sellers and get a big cut. This is a unique spin on affiliate marketing I have never seen discussed in any guru circle or ebook...

  • List building: now you can do it easily using this total under exploited medium...

  • A slew of secret resources top guns use and never share with us regular folk. Get them now.

The Four Tier Annihilation Method actually has a lot more in it, but that should be enough to show you how unique and powerful the systems are.

Plus as I said before, we could

have included only half of these since they all stand alone. You can use one of over a dozen “one page methods” that require little study on your part, and which you can complete from start to finish in the time it takes to watch a “Lost” rerun...

Here's the link again:
The Four Tier Annihilation Method

And then, there's the almost 140+ page illustrated manual...

...and the package of 10 step by step over the shoulder videos...

Four Tier Annihilation Method Complete Package

The Four Tier Annihilation Method

Oh crap, kind of got caught up in the hype there... It's easy to.

Well, the Four Tier Annihilation Method Review here is coming to an end. I've given you anything you could expect from a review... Including my thoughts, what the package is all about, what is included, etc.

So, that's that. Feel free to check it out, you should.

Here's the link again:
The Four Tier Annihilation Method

Here's a testimonial I figured I could insert for no reason...

"Using your legal hijack method I managed to start earning 5 figures a week immediately with

zero investment"


Yo man whats up! Hows things going? I just wanna tell you that si

nce that day I have been truely living the dream man. I told you when we met that I had no money to get started but using your legal hijack method i managed to start earning 5 figures a week immediately with zero investment.

I haven't told anybody what I do as I try to keep it a secret but all my family and my girlfriend think that I've won the lottery or som

ething its so funny.

I have 4 well established profit streams now that I created using your information and should be hitting well over six zeros within a month or two. Take it easy pal.

So yeah, that's it for this review, I hope you enjoyed it.

One last time, the link.
--=> The Four Tier Annihilation Method <=--
See ya,

Linus Rylander